Featured Events
NTYC 2025
Tickets on Sale Jan 1! Click the image to visit the registration page!
Evening Speaker: Chris green
Worship Leader: : Bryan Pound
Location: 2000 E Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano, TX 75074
Late Registration: $60
Thursday - March 14th, 2025
06:00 PM - Registration and Vendors Open
06:30 PM - Doors Open
07:30 PM - Evening Service
Friday - March 15th, 2025
Friday AM
09:30 AM - Doors Open
10:00 AM - Jumpstart
10:25 AM - Breakout Sessions
Collinwood - Topic: The Why. Speaker: Cameron Holley
Windhaven - Topic: Worship Ministries. Speaker: Bryan Pound & Derek Craddock
Sunny Slope - Topic: Hyphen & Youth Leaders. Speaker: Rev. Chris Copeland & Drew Atkinson
11:15 AM - General Session
Friday PM
06:00 PM - Registration and Vendors Open
06:30 PM - Doors Open
07:30 PM - Evening Service
11:00PM - Afterburner
NTY Camp 2024
NTY Camp '24 is here and we are pumped to spend the week with the coolest kids in North Texas! We have an awesome lineup of dorm devotions and breakout sessions throughout the week. In the evenings, we're hearing from Nate Smith and we are certain each of us will leave challenged to go deeper in our walk with God.
In between services, we're hanging out at Camp Chaparral in Iowa Park, TX and it is LOADED with awesome stuff to do! Camp Chaparral has an awesome lake just waiting for you to send someone flying on the blob. But, that's not all, we also have a separate Olympic-sized swimming pool meaning both guys and girls get water time every day! Challenge Course, GaGa Ball, Disc Golf, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, and one epic concession stand pretty much guarantees this is going to be the best week of the summer. Don't miss it!
This. Is. How. We. Camp.

NTY Camp '23
NTY Camp '23 is here and we are pumped to spend the week with the coolest kids in North Texas! In the evenings, we're hearing from Daniel Bernard and we are certain each of us will leave challenged to go deeper in our walk with God.
This. Is. How. We. Camp.
Register today!
North Texas Youth Convention 2023
Evening Speaker: TBA 👀
Worship Leader: TBA 👀
Location: Emmanuel Pentecostal Church - 1200 Poplar Dr. Mesquite, TX 75149
Early Registration: $35
Late Registration: $45
Register Here
Vendor Application
Thursday - March 2nd, 2023
06:00 PM - Registration and Vendors Open
07:00 PM - Doors Open
07:30 PM - Evening Service
Friday - March 3rd, 2023
Friday AM
09:30AM - Doors Open
10:00 AM - Jumpstart
10:20 AM - Morning Session
11:00 AM - General Session
Friday PM
06:00 PM - Registration and Vendors Open
07:00 PM - Doors Open
07:30 PM - Evening Service
10:00PM - Afterburner

NTY MAGNIFY 2022-23 Auditions
Interested in joining NTY MAGNIFY? Applicants must be unmarried, between the ages of 14 - 25 years old, and attend a UPCI endorsed Church.

NTY MAGNIFY Summer Tour 2022
NTY MAGNIFY Summer Tour // Stephenville, Abilene, Iowa Park, and Wichita Falls, TX.

NTY Camp '22
NTY Camp '22 is here and we are pumped to spend the week with the coolest kids in North Texas! We have an awesome lineup of dorm devotions and breakout sessions throughout the week. In the evenings, we're hearing from Evangelist AJ Holloway and we are certain each of us will leave challenged to go deeper in our walk with God.
In between services, we're hanging out at a new campground this year! Camp Chaparral in Iowa Park, TX is LOADED with awesome stuff to do. Camp Chaparral has an awesome lake just waiting for you to send someone flying on the blob. But, that's not all, we also have a separate Olympic Sized Swimming Pool meaning both guys and girls get water time every day! Challenge Course, GaGa Ball, Disc Golf, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, LASER TAG and what we hear is one epic concession stand pretty much guarantee this is going to be the best week of the summer. Don't miss it!
This. Is. How. We. Camp.
Registration Pricing
Camper: $225 + $5.14 processing fee = $230.14
Camp Worker: $175 + $4.07 processing fee = $179.07

North Texas Youth Convention
SPEAKER: Rema Duncan
WORSHIP LEADER: Jonathan Hudoff
LOCATION: Emmanuel Pentecostal Church - 1200 Poplar Dr. Mesquite, TX 75149
Early Registration | $35
Late Registration | $45
Thursday - March 3rd, 2022
6:00 PM | Registration and Vendors Open
7:00 PM | Doors to Sanctuary Open
7:30 PM | Evening Service
10:00PM | Basketball Tournament
Friday - March 4th, 2022
Friday Morning
9:30AM | Doors Open
10:00 AM | Jumpstart
10:20 AM | Morning Session
11:00 AM | General Session
Friday Evening
6:00 PM | Registration and Vendors Open
7:00 PM | Doors to Sanctuary Open
7:30 PM | Evening Service
10:00PM | Afterburner

Saturday August 7th at 11AM North Texas Youth Ministries is hosting our first combined P7 & CMI Training that will take you beyond launching your Club or Chapter. This training is for youth, young adults, and youth workers. The training will take place at The Life Church 18610 Marsh Lane Dallas Texas.

Interested in joining NTY MAGNIFY? Applicants must be unmarried, between the ages of 14 - 25 years old, and attend a UPCI endorsed Church. Complete the following three steps to audition!

NAYC Watch Party
NAYC Hasn’t been cancelled, it’s just changed locations! Join us as we watch this incredible service with thousands of students across North America. Location: North Cities UPC in Garland. Afterburner to follow!

P7/CMI Training
P7|CMI Zoom Call is a monthly resource to INFORM | INSPIRE | IGNITE students to be leaders on their campuses. Every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7PM CST we go live via Zoom.

Youth Camp is guaranteed to be the best week of summer! Come experience undeniable moves of God while making life-long relationships and having a blast.
Purchasing your tickets via the payment link below secures your spot. Download and fill out the forms below and email them to camp@ntxyouth.com before you arrive.
After purchasing your worker ticket, download and complete the following forms and email them to camp@ntxyouth.com upon completion.

P7/CMI Training
P7|CMI Zoom Call is a monthly resource to INFORM | INSPIRE | IGNITE students to be leaders on their campuses. Every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7PM CST we go live via Zoom.